Group Members
Ben Allanach, Hannah Banks, Eleanor Cole, Ben Gripaios, Nico Gubernari, Elie Hammou, Chris Lester, William Liu, Eetu Loisa, Alexander Mitov, James Moore, Anna Mullin, Andy Parker, Valentina Schuetze-Sanchez, Maria Ubiali, Bryan Webber, Sarah Williams
The Cambridge Pheno Working Group is a collaboration between experimentalists in the Cavendish HEP ATLAS group and theorists from the Cavendish Theory Group and the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP). Our aim is to investigate the observability of supersymmetry and other exotic physics signals with the ATLAS detector.
Research topics
- Measurement of exotic heavy leptons predicted by some intermediate-scale models
- Detection of sleptons in superstring inspired models of SUSY breaking
- Signatures for decay of black holes, predicted by some theories with extra spatial dimensions
- Detection of neutralino decays in R-parity violation models
- The observability of charginos in models with anomaly-mediated SUSY breaking
- Detection of neutralino decays in R-parity violation models
- Signatures for large and small extra dimensions
- Studies to establish the experimental reach in terms of fine tuning: can models with small fine-tuning evade detection?
- Measuring the spin of SUSY particles
- Models and searches for new physics with displaced vertices at colliders
- Precision computation of the MSSM and NMSSM spectrum and decays
- New physics intepretations of collider anomalies
Publications from our group members can be found on inSPIRE
- Will the revamped LHC make or break physics?
New Scientist, March 2015 - LHC scientists to search for 'fifth force of Nature'
BBC news, July 2014 - Ambulance-chasing Large Hadron Collider collisions
Guardian blog, September 2014 - Sacrificing Einstein: Relativity's keystone has to go
New Scientist, January 2013 - Nobel 2013 Physics: Endowing particles with mass
Nature, 4 December 2013 - Dark matter 'found within decade'
Private page for group members