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High Energy Physics


Group Members

Alexander Mitov, Maria Ubiali, Bryan Webber

QCD radiative corrections can severely modify the observable features of processes such as Higgs boson and new particle production. These corrections can be predicted by using perturbation theory and evaluating the terms in the expansion to a sufficiently high order, with enhanced terms summed to all orders if necessary.

Research topics

Recent results obtained by group members and collaborators include:

  • The calculation of total and differential top-pair cross section production at next-to-next-to-leading order in pQCD and the assessment of their impact on PDFs
  • The calculation of the differential cross section for charged Higgs boson production in the heavy and intermediate region in a generic 2-Higgs-Doublet model
  • The study of the hadronic invariant mass distribution in the vicinity of kinematic edges in the decay of heavy unstable particles
  • The inclusion of bottom-quark mass effects in the resummed calculation of the bottom-quark-initiated Higgs production
  • An analytic method to discriminate between quark and gluon jets in several hard SM and BSM processes