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High Energy Physics


Our group members are actively developing Monte Carlo and other useful software which is publicly available. Links to the respective homepages are provided here.

Major Monte Carlo software developed by our group:

Other software developed by our group members:

  • Top++ (The total top-pair production cross-section at hadron colliders through NNLO+NNLL)
  • MSTWPDF (Martin-Stirling-Thorne-Watt Parton Distribution Functions)
  • GSdPDF (Gaunt-Stirling Double Parton Distribution Functions)
  • SuperCHIC (Monte Carlo Event Generator for Central Exclusive Production)
  • wpnlo (W Prime NLO and LO Event Generator)
  • AlpVerter (Convert Alpgen event files to XML Les Houches accord format)
  • NNPDF (NNPDF Parton Distribution Functions)