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See also SctRodDaqRelease4.3.


SctRodDaqRelease4.3.RC1 was created on 15th Dec 2005 from the tips of the following branches.

Package      BranchTag

VmeInterface HEAD
RodDaq       SCT_DSP_DEV_1
SctRodDaq    TDAQ14_BRANCH

The state of each of the above branches at the time of the release was recorded with a single CVS tag: "SctRodDaq_4_3_RC1".


Subject: More gremlins, all pretty serious :-(


This is to let you all know of a couple of problems we discovered today.

1) One of the modules appears to be sending no repsonse today, hence we
have only 11 links.

2) with SctRodDaq_TDAQ14, as installed at SR1, the analysis server dies
as soon as a scan finishes.  Not good.

3) with SctRodDaq_0104, _0104_P and _TDAQ14 using our latest version of
the DSP code, nmask scans work with the remaining modules in a single
group.  If we run 2 or 3 groups, the scans die due to BC errors at the
first event.  This is very strange, we cannot think of any changes to
the DSP code that might have caused this.  Most of this work was
performed using the latest firmware loaded to slot 10: we were able to
backtrack the router and efb but not the ROD controller.  However the
ROD in slot 11 has older firmware, and still gives the same result for
three grups (last test).  I don't suppse there may have been a little
tinkering of BC offsets in all three versions?  Well, looking at the
register contents, apparently not.  We can confirm that if we set the
ROD register bit to suppress BC errors, scans with multiple groups work

After one of the failure I recorded a verbose probe and was surprised to
find that all 6 modules had the same BC count irrespective of their
group.  So it isn't something to do with resets being sent to each group
at different points in time.

What changes as the number of groups is increased? Any ideas?

I gues it's been a while since we tried to run with multiple groups....





See also SctRodDaqRelease4.3.