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This is a list of comments/notes from my testing of SctRodDaq using the SystemTests stuff.


See also ReAnalyser.

A system tests is started by typing "make run" in a directory like

This runs
which first grabs a common environment via
source $SCT_DAQ_ROOT/SystemTests/scripts/env.sh
before running these in the following order from the local direectory:
source setup.sh
source run.sh
source tesrdown.sh
returning the exit status of run.sh.

setup stage

A typical "setup" stage consists of running


which restarts a very large number of IS servers leaving them in an empty state, before then starting whatever Analysis/Fitting/Archiving/etc services are required.

run stage

A typical "run" stage consistes of simply dropping data into the relevant part of the analysis rollercoaster. This may use a "RetrieveRaws?.bsh" bean shell script that can be started with

 bsh_for_sct RetrieveRaws.bsh

There are two main stages to the above as of 14th Dec 2007. Firstly "control data" must be prepared, as there are no address labels on the roller coaster envelopes. This is done by first pointing the archiving service's retrieval arm at the "ControlData" is server, and then asking it to retrieve some control data, which usually lives in a file called "TestData*":

 import Sct.*;
 import Sct.IS.SctNames;
 import ArchivingServiceI.*;
 import AnalysisServiceI.*;
 import GuiComponents.System.*;


 a = si.getArchivingService();
 f = si.getFittingService();
 an= si.getAnalysisService();

 System.out.println("<> Retrieve Control Data");

 // get the control data
 while (a.busy()>0){

The second stage is the actual dropping of EventData onto the rollercoaster. This is done again using the ArchivingService. This time its retrieval arm is pointed at the EventData IS server and the RawScanResult files are inserted.

System.out.println("<> Retrieve Event Data");

// get the event data

while (a.busy()>0 || f.busy()>0 || an.busy()>0){

The information then flows through the roller coaster under gravity, and fitting, analysis etc all begin as/where appropriate, as indicated in the control data. The wait loop above waits until ALL services are no longer busy. Progress can be watched in the ServiceStatusGUI.

Where does the roller coaster data actually go?


How do I view the results of the fits etc?

When the ArchivingService extracts data from the .gz files and put is into IS, it mostly uses IS proxy objects. (This might change in future.) That means that the data is read off the disk, and converted to a more "in-memory" form which is placed into SCT_SCRATCH_DIR, and then placeholder entries are put in IS that are effectively symbolic links to the path in SCT_SCRATCH_DIR where the data is actually located. Even the analysed and fitted data still in IS at the end of the SystemTest? is likewise stored in IS proxy objects. This means that you can view the results of the test by finding the relevant file in SCT_SCRATCH_DIR and running DataDisplayer on it.

e.g. for the MarkSpaceRatio? example above, you can do:

DataDisplayer $SCT_SCRATCH_DIR/SctData\:\:MarkSpaceRatioTestResult.5067.64.20220170100029

and see a pretty picture ... or

SummaryExtractor $SCT_SCRATCH_DIR/SctData\:\:MarkSpaceRatioTestResult.5067.64.20220170100029

and see the summary.