Barrel Module Database Utilities

Version 4.1 available since 08/12/2003.

Please report problems and bugs to Dave Robinson

Special java utilities are required for the upload of module barrel data to the SCT database. This is because the PC-Hybrid (hybrid without ASICs), the ASIC-Hybrid (hybrid with ASICs) and the final module each have unique serial numbers in the database, but the ATLAS person always refers to them by the share a common serial number barcoded on the hybrid pigtail. The same is true for baseboards: the bare baseboard and the sensor-baseboard have unique database serial numbers, but the ATLAS person always refers to them by the one serial number barcoded on to the bare baseboard. The java utilities downloadable from this page provide the interface between the barrel module institute and the database - they handle the serial number substition necessary when uploading test data for any component, and hide the implementation of different serial numbers in the database (which the ATLAS person does not need to know).

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation Instructions
  3. Registering Items
  4. Registering Shipments between institutes
  5. Uploading Assembly Data
  6. Uploading Metrology Data
  7. Uploading Datasheets
  8. Uploading Module Quality Information
  9. Uploading Module Signoff Data
  10. Uploading Visual Inspections
  11. Version List

1. Introduction

1.1 Launching the Application
Launch the utility by typing 'java Barrels/DBInterface', and a dialog box prompts you for a password:

ask me if you don't already know it. It is the same password as my Reporting application.

If you have entered the password correctly, you can access the utility:

The tabs indicate the different type of uploads you can do. Currently this utility can be used to register new items (modules, ASIC-hybrids, base hybrids, baseboards and sensor-baseboards), ship registered items between institutes, and register the assemblies of asics to hybrids.

1.2 Setting your Preferences
You should first set your preferences by clicking on 'Preferences' in the top right corner of application, to create a preferences dialog box:

Set your preferences as listed below:

  1. Your institute
  2. The cluster of which you are a part (Japan, USA, Scand or UK)
  3. The spreadsheet directory - this may have a different meaning depending on which cluster you are and which type of upload you are performing. In most cases, this directory is the directory where you store your excel data files.
  4. The uploads directory - the application will create 'database files' and upload them from this directory.
  5. Select Browser - please click this button to open a file dialog box. Then browse on you system until you find the executable of your favourite browser, and select it. The java application needs to open a web browser when create/confirm new shipments.
Note the application will alert you if you have entered invalid directories.

2. Installation Instructions

  1. Make sure you have the Java RunTime Environment (JRE) or full Java Developers Kit (SDK) on your system, version 1.4 or later. If you haven't already got them, they are free to download from Sun. Important - the database interface will not work if you are using a java version less than 1.4.
  2. Download the JDBC classes. This is a single file called ''. Download it from the Geneva web server. Do not attempt to unzip this file!
  3. Download two jar files from the Geneva web server. The first is a file called 'SCTTEST_3_nn_P.jar', where nn is the latest version number (20 or greater), and the other is 'SCTAssm_1_2.jar'. Download them from the the Geneva web server.
    If they are downloaded as zip files, unzip them.
  4. Download the barrel java utility. This is included within 'jDBUtils.jar'. Download it from Cambridge. Note you will download a zip file, please unzip it after download.
  5. Set your CLASSPATH environment variable to include all 4 files, ie jDBUtils.jar,, SCTAssm_1_2.jar and SCTTEST_3_nn_P.jar.
  6. And thats it! Once you have downloaded the above files, and installed the Java SDK or JRE, and set your CLASSPATH environment variable, please do the following to make sure your classpath is correct:
    • type 'java Barrels/DBInterface' and then quit when it prompts you for a password.
    • type 'java UploadShipData' and then quit when it opens a dialog box.
    • type 'java UploadAssmData' and then quit when it opens a dialog box.
    If any of these failed to work, it is likely that your CLASSPATH environment variable is not correctly set (or contains a spelling mistake), or perhaps your PATH environment variable does not include the path to java.exe.

To run the application, type 'java Barrels/DBInterface', and if if it works you will be prompted to enter a password. Please ask me if you don't already know it. It is the same password as my database reporting application. After entering the password, the first thing you should do is to set your preferences as explained in the Introduction section.

3. Registering Items

The application allows you to register any number of module/hybrids or baseboards in the database.

3.1 Registering the first 100 modules in your cluster

Select the 'Item Registration' tab and select 'Hybrids/Modules'. Make sure that you set your cluster correctly (should be set by default if you have set your preferences properly):

After you click 'New ...', the utility accesses the database to verify the list of users at your institute (as set in the preferences dialog box). The following window then appears, assuming you have selected 'Hybrids/Modules'. Please select your initials, and enter the range of serial numbers of the modules/hybrids you wish to register:

If you click 'Add to List', with, say, the serial number range between 1 and 100, the utility attempts to list all modules ('bmModule'), ASIC hybrids ('bmHASIC') and non-ASIC hybrids ('bmHPC'), with serial numbers from 1 to 100, that are not already registered in the database, ie:
20220330200001 to 20220330200100
20220338200001 to 20220338200100
20220337200001 to 20220337200100

(the '33' part implies the UK cluster):

In this example, 10 items already exist in the database, so only 290 items are listed. You may remove items by selected them, and the 'Removed Selected Item(s) button becomes enabled - click on it to remove the items. IMPORTANT any items that share the same visible bar code will also be removed, eg if you remove a bmHASIC you will also remove the corresponding bmModule and bmHPC as well.

You may keep listing more items in the same table, by entering new ranges of serial number and clicking on 'Add to List'.

Once all items are listed, click on 'Register' to register the items in the database. Please confirm that you want to do so:

And then enter your institute username and password for database write access:

If you click 'Enter' the utility will invoke Geneva's java 'UploadItemData' utility to upload (register) all the items. A window will open allowing you to monitor the progress of the upload:

Please note though that the upload monitor window is not very informative when registering new items... it just says 'Item...' until the upload is complete (sorry - this is the only output from the UploadItemData utlity!).

3.2 How to register baseboards

Suppose you wish to register baseboards from 20220480110001 to 20220480110100 and 20220480110200 to 20220480110250. Select the 'Item Registration' tab and select 'Baseboards'. The cluster becomes set to 'n/a' (not applicable) because baseboards are registered centrally at CERN and not by individual clusters:

After you click 'New ...', the utility accesses the database to verify the list of database users. The following window then appears:

Please select your initials, and enter the date that you wish to register the baseboards. Then set the range of serial numbers that you wish to register. For example, if you want to register baseboards 1 thru to 100, enter From 1 To 100 and click 'Add to List'. The utility then checks if any items from 20220480110001 to 20220480110100 (bmSB) and 20220488110001 to 20220488110100 (bmBB) have previously been registered, and if not, they are listed in the spreadsheet:

Note that both bmSB's and bmBB's are listed within the range of serial numbers.

Now enter the range of serial numbers from 200 to 250, and click 'Add to List'. Any bmBB and bmSB items within the range 200 to 250 are now appended to the list:

If there are some baseboards within that range that you DO NOT wish to register, select the appropriate rows and click on 'Remove Selected Item(s)'. Note: if you remove a bmSB you will automatically remove also the corresponding bmBB item, because you are not allowed to register a bmBB without a bmSB and vice-versa.

You may keep listing more items in the same table, by entering new ranges of serial number and clicking on 'Add to List'.

Once all items are listed, click on 'Register' to register the items in the database. Please confirm that you want to do so:

And then enter your institute username and password for database write access:

If you click 'Enter' the utility will invoke Geneva's java 'UploadItemData' utility to upload (register) all the items. A window will open allowing you to monitor the progress of the upload.

4. Shipments

Select the 'shipments' tab:

Select where you wish to ship your items from and where you wish to ship them to. In this case we want to ship modules/hybrids from RAL to Birmingham. Click on 'New..' and a new window opens:

Enter the initials of the sender (in this example Bill Murray) and receiver (in this case Dave Charlton at Birminhgam) and enter all other shipment information. Then add the ranges of serial numbers you want to ship - ENTER THE FULL 14-DIGIT numbers. For example, to ship the modules from 200 to 600, enter 20220330200200 to 20220330200600, and the utility will list all bmMODULE's, bmHPC's and bmHASIC's within this range that are currently at RAL and ready for shipment (remember all items that share the same visible serial number will be listed, therefore bmHASICs and bmHPCs are listed as well as bmMODULEs). You can keep adding to the list by entering new ranges of serial numbers and clicking 'Add to List'. When all items are listed, click on 'Register Shipment', and you will be prompted for confirmation:

If you wish to proceed, you will need to enter your institute username and password:

And then the upload of the shipment will start. Progress of the upload is indicated by a progress bar:

When the upload is finished, a web browser window will open automatically (provided you have set one in your preferences!) with the Geneva database web interface form that you need to confirm your shipment. To confirm you shipment, enter the shipment date in the 'Ship Confirm Date' field and then click 'Update'. You must confirm your shipment using the Geneva database web interface form! If you didn't set a web browser in your preferences, you will need to confirm the shipment yourself from the Geneva web interface.

5. Uploading assembly data

5.1 Introduction
There are 3 assembly uploads necessary during the construction of a barrel module:

  1. the assembly of 4 sensors (bmSiDetectorOut) and a base-baseboard (bmBB) to form a sensor-baseboard (bmSB)
  2. the assembly of 12 asics (chABCD3T) and a bare hybrid (bmHPC) to form a ASIC-hybrid (bmHASIC)
  3. the assembly of the sensor-baseboard (bmSB) and the ASIC-hybrid (bmHASIC) to form the module (bmMODULE)
Points 1 and 2 above can be performed and uploaded before point 3. Also note that for each of the 3 steps above, all components must be located at the assembling institute (ie shipped to, and received by, the assembling institute) before the upload can be performed. For example, to assembly a bmHASIC, all 12 ASICs and the bmHPC must be located at the institute that performs the assembly upload.

5.2 Excel file Descriptions
The application extracts assembly information from excel files, and uploads the information to the database. Please note carefully the following rules:
  1. The location of the excel files must be in the directory specified in the 'Spreadsheet' directory of your Preferences.
  2. The contents of the excel files are described in Nobu's document.
  3. The excel files must be named according to the format shown in the following table.
  4. The excel file must consist of a workbook containing a single sheet, and the sheet data must match exactly the data of the corresponding sheet name in Nobu's document (see table below).
  5. The excel file must correspond to excel 95, 97 or 2000, or TAB-DELIMITED only.
Assembly for:File NameSheet Name

In the above file names, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm is the 14-digit serial number barcoded on the hybrid pigtail, and bbbbbbbbbbbbbb is the 14-digit serial number barcoded on the baseboard. Hence valid file names are 'ASIC_HYBRID_20220330200054.xls' and 'SENSOR_BASEBOARD_20220480110253.xls'. Invalid file names are '20220330200054.xls' or '20220330200054_HASIC.xls'.

Here are some examples of excel sheets. The lines actually extracted by the java application are highlighted in blue within the spreadsheet:

5.3 Uploading the Assembly Data
Select the 'Assemblies' tab, and select which device you are assembling (baseboards, hybrids or modules). In this example, we want to register the assembly of ASICs to hybrids at Birmingham - select Devices=hybrids, Cluster=UK, Institute=Birmingham, and click on 'New...":

You are prompted to enter a range of serial numbers. If you want to upload the assembly data for just one hybrid, enter the serial number in the 'From' box and leave the 'To' box blank. If you want to upload several hybrids, enter the range in the 'From' and 'To' box. If the numbers are not consecutive, keep entering new ranges and click on 'Add to List'. In this example, suppose you want to upload the assembly data for hybrids 1 thru 5: Enter From 1 To 5, and click on 'Add to List':

In the above example, the application only found valid data for hybrid 20220330200002. You will see on the console window why the data was not valid for the other hybrids. The reasons could be:
  • The assembly information for this hybrid has been uploaded before
  • One or more chips have been assembled before
  • The hybrid or one or more chips have not been registered in the database.
  • The hybrid or one or more chips are not located at your institute in the database.
  • The excel file corresponding to that serial number is not present in your spreadsheet directory.
Note that you can optionally double-click on the assembly folder to expand the assembly tree, as shown in the above picture.

ASIC descriptions
Here is a part of the excel file read in by the application:

Note that the chips must be described in one of two ways, either:

LOCATIONCODE-Znnnnn-Wm-i, where Znnnnn=lot no, Wm=wafer no, i=index


LOCATIONCODE-Znnnnn-Wm-Xaa-ybb, where Znnnn=lotno, Wm=wafer no, Xaa=Xindex, Ybb=Yindex

The example excel file above used the first case.

You can remove items from the assembly tree by selecting the hybrid and clicking on 'Remove Selected Item(s)'. To actually upload the assembly data to the database, click on 'Register Assemblies'.

6. Uploading Metrology Data

6.1 Introduction
The application extracts the metrology data from excel files, and uploads them to the database. Note that metrology data can be uploaded for any module at any time, provided that the module serial number is registered in the database (ie the module does not have to be located at your institute in order to upload metrology data). It is possible that metrology data may be uploaded more than once, if the metrology is remeasured following certain 'events'. Currently recognised events are:
EVENT nameDescription
BHBefore Hybrid attachment
INAfter module assembly
TCAfter thermal cycling
LTAfter longterm test with hybrid at 27C
LTLAfter longterm test with hybrid at 0C
IRRAfter irradiation
The EVENT name must be declared in the excel file.

6.2 Excel file Descriptions
Please note carefully the following rules:

  1. The location of the excel files must be in the directory specified in the 'Spreadsheet' directory of your Preferences.
  2. The contents of the excel files are described in Nobu's document.
  3. The excel files must be named according to the format shown in the following table.
  4. The database data must be contained within a single sheet, and the format of the sheet must match exactly the format of the sheet name of Nobu's document listed in the table below.
  5. The excel sheet must be contained in an excel workbook containing only one sheet, OR in a multiple sheet workbook (in which case the database data sheet name must be 'Datasheet' or 'Results').
  6. The excel file must correspond to excel 95, 97 or 2000, or TAB-DELIMITED only.
  7. I recommend 'text format' for all columns to avoid format problems.
Metrology TypeFile NameSheet Name in Nobu's doc

In the above file names, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm is the 14-digit serial number barcoded on the hybrid pigtail, and nn is the measurement number (ie 01 for the first metrology measurement, 02 for the second following another EVENT etc..). Hence valid file names are 'XYSURVEY_20220330200054_01.xls' and 'ZSURVEY_20220330200054_03.xls'. Invalid file names are 'XY_SURVEY_20220330200054.xls' or 'XYSURVEY_20220330200054.xls'.

Examples of metrology data files containing real data are listed below:
Note the above two examples are multi-sheet spreadsheets. Data is extracted from the 'Results' and 'Datasheet' sheets for the XY and Z metrology uploads, respectively. Rows coloured in blue indicate that the application will check the format (spelling) of the highlighted data, and reject any spreadsheets with invalid spelling.

6.3 About comments
Please note you can enter as many comments as you wish in the spreadsheet. For each line of comments, the cell in the first column should be 'comments', and your comment should go into the second cell. The FIRST line of comments should be general 'overall' comments on the datasheet - these comments will be uploaded into the database separately as an overall description of the sheet. All subsequent comment lines (which can appear at any time at any row) will be uploaded along with the sheet, and should be explanations/comments of the sheet contents.

6.4 Uploading the Metrology Data
Select the 'Datasheets' tab, and select which type of metrology (XY or Z) you wish to upload, and click on 'New...":

Enter the range of serial numbers that you wish to upload the metrology for (in the example below you wish to upload for modules 1 to 5. Since this is the UK-B cluster, the actual serial numbers are 20220330200001 to 20220330200005):

All valid metrology files will be listed as a spreadsheet. Valid files are:
  • The excel file exists in your spreadsheet directory as defined in your Preferences
  • The data file has not been uploaded previously (if you have the 'Prevent Duplicate Uploads' tickbox checked)
  • There are no format errors in your excel file
Any errors will be reported in your console/terminal window.

To upload the listed sheets, click on 'Upload Datasheet(s)'

7. Uploading Datasheets

7.1 Introduction
In addition to the XY and Z metrology excel datasheets (for which the upload is described above in Section 6) there are 5 other datasheets describing module components that are uploaded:

7.2 Excel file Descriptions
Please note carefully the following rules:
  1. The location of the excel files must be in the directory specified in the 'Spreadsheet' directory of your Preferences.
  2. The contents of the excel files are described in Nobu's document.
  3. The excel files must be named according to the format shown in the following table.
  4. The database data must be contained within a single sheet, and the format of the sheet must match exactly the format of the sheet name of Nobu's document listed in the table below.
  5. The excel sheet must be contained in an excel workbook containing only one sheet, OR in a multiple sheet workbook (in which case the database data sheet name must be 'Datasheet' or 'Results').
  6. The excel file must correspond to excel 95, 97 or 2000, or TAB-DELIMITED only.
  7. I recommend 'text format' for all columns to avoid format problems.
DatasheetFile NameSheet Name in Nobu's doc
Bare HybridHPC_HYBRID_mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.xlsbmHPCrawData
ASIC HybridASIC_HYBRID_mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.xlsbmHASICrawData

7.3 About comments
Please note you can enter as many comments as you wish in the spreadsheet. For each line of comments, the cell in the first column should be 'comments', and your comment should go into the second cell. The FIRST line of comments should be general 'overall' comments on the datasheet - these comments will be uploaded into the database separately as an overall description of the sheet. All subsequent comment lines (which can appear at any time at any row) will be uploaded along with the sheet, and should be explanations/comments of the sheet contents.

In the above file names, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm is the 14-digit serial number barcoded on the hybrid pigtail (or the baseboard for the baseboard and sensor-baseboard datasheets). Hence valid file names are 'ASIC_HYBRID_20220330200004.xls' and 'MODULE_20220330200054.xls'.

7.4 About Calibrate Correction Factors
The ASIC-HYBRID datasheets list the calibrate correction factors. During the upload, the application will automatically look up and insert the correct calibrate correction factors into the ASIC-HYBRID datasheet (it will overwrite any factors you have inserted). If the correction factors cannot be extracted from the database (due to the wafer parameters not available), then whatever you have entered in the file will be uploaded, and warning is generated on the command line.

7.5 Uploading Datasheets
Select the 'Datasheets' tab, and select which type of datasheet you wish to upload, and click on 'New...":

Enter the range of serial numbers that you wish to upload the datasheets for (in the example below you wish to upload ASIC-Hybrid datasheets for modules 1 to 20. Since this is the UK-B cluster, the actual serial numbers are 20220330200001 to 20220330200020):

All valid datasheets will be listed as a spreadsheet. Valid files are:
  • The excel file exists in your spreadsheet directory as defined in your Preferences
  • The data file has not been uploaded previously (if you have the 'Prevent Duplicate Uploads' tickbox checked)
  • There are no format errors in your excel file
Any errors will be reported in your console/terminal window.

To upload the listed sheets, click on 'Upload Datasheet(s)'

Uploading Module Quality Information

Sorry, this section has not yet been updated. In the meantime, please look at my talk from the December 2003 SCT week for guidance on uploading module quality information.

Uploading Module Signoff Information

Sorry, this section has not yet been updated. In the meantime, please look at my talk from the December 2003 SCT week for guidance on uploading module signoff information.

Uploading Visual Inspections

Please look at the writeup on the Geneva web site on the format of the upload file you need to create in order to upload visual inspections. Please also look at these two slides from my talk at the December 2003 SCT week for guidance on uploading visual inspections.

Version list

  1. Version 4.1 released 08/12/2003
    • Major revamp of the code, including module signoff and quality uploads and module reporting
  2. Version 2.08 released 16/07/2003
    • Automatically insert correct cal correction factors during upload of ASIC-HYBRID datasheets
  3. Version 2.07 released 04/07/2003
    • Change of Geneva web links to receive and send shipments.
  4. Version 2.06 released 06/06/2003
    • Bug fix to barrel shipment reporting/uploads
  5. Version 2.03 released 06/06/2003
    • Enable upload of datasheets
  6. Version 2.01 released 14/05/2003
    • Bug fix - 'null' date when uploading assemblies
  7. Version 2.0 released 13/05/2003
    • Update for compatibility with Geneva upgrade to ORACLE 9i