HEP Group Posters

Some posters that we have produced in the HEP Group that illustrate some of our work. Posters may be downloaded and used for non-commercial purposes.

UA2 physics results poster

UA2 physics

This poster illustrates the principal physics results from the CERN UA2 Collaboration.

In the period 1981-1990 the UA1 and UA2 detectors performed important measurements that validated the newly developed Standard Model including the discovery of the W and Z particles.

Links: The UA2 Experiment, Download PDF.

The UA2 Scintillating Fibre Detector

The UA2 Scintillating Fibre Detector

This poster illustrates the design, construction, operation and performance of the UA2 SFD.

Links: The UA2 Experiment, Download PDF.

Cosmic ray and radioactivity detection

Cosmic ray and radioactive decay detection

This poster illustrates the detection and visualisation of particle tracks produced by natural radiactive decays and cosmic ray showers using small laboratory detectors.

Links: Download PDF.