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See also OmniMigration for related topics.

The following table should (approximately) represent the current status of the ONLINE21-BRANCH in the cvs repository (/afs/cern.ch/user/b/bgallop/cvsroot).

PackagePrimary updaterBuild statusPrimary testerTesting statusComments
AnalysisServiceChrisLesterbuildsChrisLesterContacts ipc_server -- but does not workDCS to be merged from CVS head -- Alan
archiving-removed-removedAs this package is not used any more, it has been deleted from our branch of the source tree.
ArchivingServicevariousbuildsChrisLesterRegisters with is_serverSeemed relatively straight forward to fix -- can't see many remaining issues here, other than what should be in shutdown! (Chris)
buildvariousokvariousseems okstable
CalibrationControllerChrisLesterbuilds--TESTING STILL TO BE DONE!
config-builds--xml files need to be updated (This was done for online-00-20-00 in branch ONLINE20 or something like that. They'll be a little bit old now probably, but they'll show you how to do it. Are there more changes since online-00-20-00?)
daq-1-builds-seems okmerge from 00-20 complete.
FittingServiceChrisLesterbuildsChrisLestermakes itself known to the ipc_server, subscribe to data, and claims to fit historgrams with 20% errors. Has managed to publish some fits.
GuiComponents?BruceGallopbuilds-seems ok
MiniUtilsChrisLesterbuilds--Only had to add libROSDebug.so to the linkset to make build succeed. Had to do the same to AutoConfig? in SctApi -- Ah yes, I presume this change would have been needed for all the other SctApi/tests as well, just AutoConfig? got compiled first... BruceGallop
RodDaq?-NA--should be unaffected
SCTAlanBarrbuilds--need to valgrind check OmniMarshalling?.h -- Alan Valgrind configserver while running SystemTest?/ConfigurationTests? ? -- BruceGallop
SctApiIPC?ChrisLesterbuilds-unit tests build and appear to work-
sctConfIPCAlanBarrbuilds--RC needs to be added
SCTData-builds--CVS merge required for DCS
SctDataDisplay?ChrisLesterbuilds-DataDisplayer works, others untestedOnly very minor change was addition of missing standard include file. Maybe some of these files need calls to IPCCore::init(argc,argv).
sctGUIDavebuilds-brings up guiuntested
SctServiceAlanBarrbuilds--very little change
SCTTestAPI?ChrisLesterbuilds--Alterations must be tested!
SummaryWriter?-builds--CVS merge required for DCS
SystemTestsBruce et albuilds--make run produces errors
TestGUI??builds-brings up gui. Some things work. 3 point gain seems to work reliablynot all tested
VmeInterface?-builds--should be unaffected