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Here are some instructions on building a new release of SctRodDaq:

Before a release is built, please do this list of things:

  1. Look at the documentation in the docs directory and update it as necessary.
  2. Ensure the release is properly tested first!
  3. Ensure that all the correct images are in the Images directory (/atlas/daq/code/Images is where they need to go .. but JOHNAND BRUCE know where they come from maybe /usera/sctrod/AlanWorking?/sctroddaq/installed/confing/Images/RevE?.... maybe) and appropriate test data is in the SctTestApiData directory. Here is an ExampleRodFirmwareReadme file I.
  4. Decide on branching/tagging naming policy .. which files count which dont, whos dir are you going to use ... will you use the HEAD or some branch?

  1. Tag all of the files that are used. The tag should be of the form SctRodDaq_X_XX_Something. E.g. SctRodDaq_3_0 or SctRodDaq_3_01_Beta. Outside of the SctRodDaq files this only means the following four dirs VmeInterface, RodDaq/CommonWithDsp, RodDaq/RodCrate, RodDaq/RodUtils directories.
  2. At Cambridge, log in as "atlasdaq"
  3. Goto the directory "/atlas/daq/"
  4. Source the bash setup script "setup_gcc32.sh" (or "setup_gcc32_forOldOnline19_or_Release_3Branch.sh" if you are building a release against online19 e.g. a release in the 3_0_BRANCH or below)
  5. Change to the code directory
  6. Change to the gcc32 directory
  7. Modify the Makefile so it checks out from the tag you have made
  8. Get an AFS token (klog)
  9. Decide whether you would like the makefile to run the SystemTests or not.
  10. Type: "make >& make.out&" and hope that everything works
  11. The source and binary releases are in the SctRodDaq directory called SourceRelease.tar.gz and BinaryRelease.tar.gz.
  12. Rename them, do some tests (see TestingARelease) and send them to the appropriate place