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This is a list of things which if ANYBODY (who has time) did, would be very good ...



TDAQ compatibility stuff

SCT running stuff

PWP - I don't understand why one might want to send BCR or SR to a single module, as this cannot be used to resolve synchronisation errors, it can only make things worse. With regard to configuration, why it any better to configure a single module than it is to reconfigure all modules? (Or maybe the author meant that the single module popup menu should include options to perform these actions to all modules?)

PWP - not sure that is true. Readout phase will be faster if fewer RODs are in the system, even if the captured data for all streams within that ROD are still read out. Anyway, a viable (and faster) alternative might be for the SctGUI to include an algorithm which reprobes for different RX thresholds, eg 50, 100, 150, 200, 250. If it finds signs of life, we know the module is basically alive and can worry about true optimisation later. Along similar lines, we could have options to try RX delay settings 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and maybe even SELECT=1...

PWP - From a quick look, it seems that return codes may have been included in the original DDC code. We may be able to use these - in conjunction with increased timeout values - to implement a crude HR handshake. Still need to consider the multiple crate case though, as I'm sure Chris would point out.

I'm afraid the above dosent make much sense to me, but there is a case for refactoring the configuration updating. There are several different things we want to do which are similarish:

  1. Config + test results -> new config
  2. Diff configs
  1. Merge configs
  1. Display the modificiations to the config suggested by the results of the test.

The first was orignally done my modifyABCD methods in SctApi, because we didnt want to reload complete configs to the ROD. Now that the API only copies the required sub-set of the config, and the configs are being changed more often, perhaps this could be reconsidered? (What's the alternative?)

   killCommon `daqListComputers`
   killCommon hostFoo hostBar

IGUI stuff

Could also add:

  1. Current run mode according to SctApi (would need to go in IS?)
  2. Trigger source (ie summary of TIM settings)