HERWIG Version 6.5

The current version is HERWIG 6.521, of March 11th 2013.

Here is the source code.  Two include files are needed: HERWIG65.INC and herwig6521.inc.
This version runs successfully with Jimmy versions 4.0 and later, which can be obtained from the Jimmy web page.

The previous version was HERWIG 6.520, of August 16th 2010. Here is the source code.  The changes from version 6.520 to 6.521 are listed below.

The previous version was HERWIG 6.510, of October 31st 2005. Here is the source code.  The changes from version 6.510 to 6.520 are listed below.

The previous version was HERWIG 6.507, of March 8th 2005. Here is the source code.  The changes from version 6.507 to 6.510 are listed below.

The previous version was HERWIG 6.506, of November 3rd 2004. Here is the source code.  The changes from version 6.506 to 6.507 are listed below.

The previous version was HERWIG 6.505, of March 31st 2004. Here is the source code.  The changes from version 6.505 to 6.506 are listed below.

The version before that was HERWIG 6.504, of August 12th 2003. Here is the source code.  The changes from version 6.504 to 6.505 are listed below.

The version before that was HERWIG 6.503, of July 11th 2003. Here is the source code.  The changes from version 6.503 to 6.504 are listed below.

The version before that was HERWIG 6.500, of October 16th 2002. Here is the source code.  The changes from version 6.500 to 6.503 are listed below.

Note that since the include files are backwards compatible, there is no problem with using the latest include files with any of the 6.5xx versions.

Here is the documentation and release note.

Here is a simple test job that generates QCD 2->2 events at the Tevatron.

There is also a test job that shows how to read in SUSY input files and generate SUSY events at the LHC. To run it you will need the file sugra_pt2.in from the ISAWIG web page. Note that it produces a few warning messages when the decay tables are processed. This is due to the fact that both the built-in decay table and the one read in from file contain entries for top decays, and is not a problem: the duplicates are simply deleted.

Changes since 6.500

In 6.503, only bug fixes and minor changes were made: In 6.504, a couple of the changes were slightly more significant: In 6.505, one new feature was added and several minor improvements and bug fixes were made: In 6.506, one new feature was added and several minor improvements and bug fixes were made: In 6.507, only bug fixes were made: In 6.510, only bug fixes and improvements to the machine/compiler dependence were made: In 6.520, a few new options were added, together with bug fixes and improvements to the machine/compiler dependence:

Version 6.521 has two bug fixes and a new feature:

Mike Seymour and Bryan Webber