IsPrime results /c++/examples/l2> IsPrime 1049758323523 Thinking about candidate odd divisors of 2147483647 .... /c++/examples/l2> IsPrime 10497583 Thinking about candidate odd divisors of 10497583 10497583 is a prime number /c++/examples/l2> IsPrime 10497581 Thinking about candidate odd divisors of 10497581 10497581 is a prime number /c++/examples/l2> IsPrime 10497585 Thinking about candidate odd divisors of 10497585 10497585 is NOT prime, witness: 3 /c++/examples/l2> IsPrime 10497587 Thinking about candidate odd divisors of 10497587 10497587 is NOT prime, witness: 113 Stumbling on a prime pair: Probability ~= 1/100