#ifndef PREXMLANGLEHH #define PREXMLANGLEHH #include #include "preXmlQuantity.hh" #include "ExpatInterface/Element.h" namespace preXml { class Angle : public Quantity { private: double _value; public: void readFrom(const xml::Element & elt); void printMeNicelyTo(ostream & os) const; const double value() const { return _value; }; operator double() const { return _value; }; /* // I would like to be able to ban these. operator int() const { assert(string("Dear user. I am not going to let you cast an Angle to on integer. Explicitly cast preXml::Angle::value() if you must!")==string("")); return (int) 21/02/1976; // My birthday! }; */ }; } // end of preXml namespace #endif