Directory "1" contains the logs from a set of tests: (1) started on 2 crate system after the following had been sent via bsh: SI.getSctApi().setDebugOption("api_config_cache_check"); SI.getSctApi().setDebugOption("module_config"); SI.getSctApi().setDebugOption("api_config_cache_send"); (2) started in the order of a char seq, but one at a time by hand: return tl->getTestRequestByName("NMask"); return tl->getTestRequestByName("FullBypassBarrel"); return tl->getTestRequestByName("Pipeline"); return tl->getTestRequestByName("StrobeDelay"); return tl->getTestRequestByName("ThreePointGain"); return tl->getTestRequestByName("TrimRange"); return tl->getTestRequestByName("ResponseCurve"); return tl->getTestRequestByName("NoiseOccupancy"); return tl->getTestRequestByName("TimeWalk"); (3) Notes: * NMask pass except mod 28 has problem on just one channel * FB and Pipeline pass * All raw data returned by Strobe delay looks fine, but AnalysisService seems to mess up and empties every histogram :( * 3pt gain looks reasonable but very noisy and fails * TrimRange - passes with probs * Npt gain fail -- modules too noisy again * Noise Occ pass * Timewalk pass (4) It proved possible directly after doing the above, to run the whole lot again, this time as an "automatic" (not "manual") char seq. The same results were obtained, though they are not represented in dir "1". (5) As an afterthought I ran the whole lot again, but this time logging mrs output to mrs.out. I have added this file to the "1" dir. It is unfortunate that it's scan numbers will be out by a constant amount from the values in the first run. In the light of AJB's patches of around 5.30pm 1/6/2005 I have recompiled and run again with options SI.getSctApi().setDebugOption("api_config_cache_check"); SI.getSctApi().setDebugOption("module_config"); I am still seeing CONFIG discrepancies ... and the logs will be copied to dir "2" as soon as they are ready. Alan then discovered a small problem in SctApiHist.cxx which was separately patched becoming ver 1.138. With this change compiled in, NMAask and FB run without CONFIG discrepancies, but then at the end of the FB the modules are no longer returning events on link0 again. :( See logs in the "3" dir.