QCD and Collider Physics
R. Keith Ellis ( keith.ellis@durham.ac.uk )
W. James Stirling ( deceased )
Bryan R. Webber ( webber@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk )
One of the triumphs of modern particle physics has been the extent to which
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) has successfully accounted for the strong
interaction processes observed at high-energy particle colliders, for
example the production of heavy quarks and jets of particles, and the
short-distance parton structure of the proton.
This book gives a detailed overview of collider physics with special
emphasis on the study of QCD. After a general description of the QCD
Lagrangian, and the properties of asymptotic freedom and colour confinement
which follow from it, the most important applications at high-energy
colliders are described in detail. These include the production of jets,
heavy quarks, electroweak gauge bosons and Higgs bosons. The various
methods of measuring the strong coupling constant are summarised. Many
important theoretical results are calculated from first principles,
and the book will be both a textbook and a valuable source of
reference material for all particle physicists.
Preface; 1. Fundamentals of QCD; 2. Asymptotic freedom and confinement; 3.
QCD in electron-positron annihilation; 4. Deep inelastic scattering; 5.
Parton branching and jet simulation; 6. Jet properties beyond fixed order;
7. Hadroproduction of jets and photons; 8. Electroweak interactions; 9. The
production of vector bosons; 10. Heavy quarks; 11. Higgs bosons at high
energy colliders; 12. Measurements of the strong coupling constant; Index.
ISBN 0521 581893, price £31.95 (paperback), US$48.00 (paperback).
To order, please contact Cambridge University Press
( UK or
USA ).
The hardback, (the cover is shown here) is
temporarily unavailable.
figures are available on the web.
The authors*
maintain a list of updates and corrections
here , so
please let them know of any errors that you find.
*Photo by Suzy Vascotto, CERN-TH.
Other comments by
may be found here .
*Photo by Matt Heyssler.
Some other relevant pages may be found via the
Cambridge High Energy Theory Group home page
BRW 24/01/2020