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TestingSctRodDaq 4 3 RC1

See also SctRodDaqRelease4.3 and TestingSctRodDaq 4 3 RC2.

I tested SctRodDaq_4_3_RC1 in pcei.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk:/usera/sctrod/testing_4_3_RC1

Note to self: DON'T SOURCE ANY SCRIPTS UNTIL MUCH LATER ON .. it's not worth it !

The binary release and source release were copied to the above dir, untarred, and thus we will need SCT_DAQ_ROOT=/usera/sctrod/testing_4_3_RC1/SctRodDaq.

For the testing of SctRodDaq_4_3_RC1 at Cambridge it was necessary to edit the exampleSetup.sh file. Here is a diff of the changes I needed to make the setup appropriate for Cambridge, and here is the resultant camSetup.sh script.

You will still need to edit the tag in installed/config/databases/DaqSoftware?.data.xml as described below if you are a BinaryRelease? user, but you will be prompted to do so even if you have not been reading these instrucations, and the developers.

It was also necessary to do:

  cd /usera/sctrod/testing_4_2_RC1/SctRodDaq
  export SCT_DAQ_ROOT=`pwd`
  mkdir $SCT_DAQ_ROOT/scratch
  mkdir $SCT_DAQ_ROOT/saved_data

prior to the first sourcing of the script or else the SCT_SCRATCH_DIR and SCT_PERSISTENT_DIR variables are reset by the startup scripts to /tmp!!

It is also necessary to create a valid set of config files.

YOU CAN SHORT CUT TO A VALID CONFIG by untarring config.tgz in installed/config/databases. Note it will not create links but instead create real local copies of the files needed.

At this stage,

 $SCT_DAQ_ROOT/installed/config/databases/SctHardware.data.xml and

should now exist (supplied by the tar file) but non Cambridge users will have to create their own copy by modifying SctHardware_template.data.xml and DDCHardware_template.data.xml.

This is hopefully easy enough to do and only consisted of changing "blahHost" to "pcei" except for "sbcHost" which became "vme4.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk". Note that there is a bug in the TDAQ implementation: you cannot type an ip address or just any old valid hostname in these fields, you have to return exactly whatever is returned by the "hostname" command run on that computer. That means that SOMETIMES you need the FQDN and sometimes you just need the first word of the hostname! [Aside: this silly process has been removed in tdaq-01-07 - from there onwards one only has to specify the FQDN hostname (hostname -f). Thankfully.]

Nearly ready to go ... but first ....

We still have to create a version of $SCT_DAQ_ROOT/installed/config/databases/SctEnvironment?.data.xml

There is a script that will generate one for you called SctEnvironment?_automagical.data.xml ... assuming you intend to keep the one it supplies do:

source camSetup.sh
rm -f $SCT_DAQ_ROOT/installed/config/databases/SctEnvironment_automagical.data.xml 
make -C $SCT_DAQ_ROOT/config
# Assuming you want to keep the suggestion
mv $SCT_DAQ_ROOT/installed/config/databases/SctEnvironment{_automagical,}.data.xml

You can check that everything is OK by looking for absence of errors in

oks_data_editor $TDAQ_DB_DATA

Though this step is not strictly necessary, you could create an ipc_init_ref file with

ctrl-C  (to kill it)


If try to cd back to $SCT_DAQ_ROOT and then source camSetup.sh and then "./start" at this point you might be told:

bash-2.05b$ ./start
rm_server: no process killed
16/12/05 12:00:38 :: ERROR [IPCUtil::resolveInitialReference] cannot open reference file "/usera/sctrod/testing_4_3_RC1/SctRodDaq/ipc.ref.file" : No such file or directory
WARNING [ipc_ls]: Can't get information for the "initial" partition
Reason: it seems it does not exist
SctRodDaqVersion: Checked CmtConfig     =       i686-slc3-gcc323-opt
ERROR: SctRodDaqVersion likely wrong version of external software
 The output of the command `echo $CMTRELEASE' was : `tdaq-01-04-00'
... but I think I was built with TdaqVersion = `tdaq-01-04-01'


If you get it, the first of these errors would be telling you that you didn't create the TDAQ_IPC_INIT_REF file in the manner described above (though if everything else if fine it will get made automatically later on so you can ignore this warning if you like).

If you get it, the second error about "CMTRELEASE" is telling you that you haven't made the tdaq-01-04-00 to tdaq-01-04-01 change to exampleSetup.sh when creating your camSetup.sh as descibed above.

Something else that could go wrong, is you might be faced with:

ERROR : Could not find $CMTCONFIG with value [i686-slc3-gcc323-opt] in /usera/sctrod/testing_4_3_RC1/SctRodDaq/installed/config/databases/SctSoftware.data.xml
this may mean that you cannot start due to problems with igui
I suggest you modify the tag in /usera/sctrod/testing_4_3_RC1/SctRodDaq/installed/config/databases/SctSoftware.data.xml to i686-slc3-gcc323-opt

which is a self explanatory message inserted by Alan. The tag is changed as required easiliy enough.

Having done the above, the setup script may be sourced, and you may "./start".

Having done all of the above, I found it was possible to start up the software Chris (14:13 16/12/2005).

With the setup as described above, one could do a full characterisation sequence on the two Cambridge modules (20220170100028 and 20220170100056) and run RxThresBasedOnConfReg? Chris (14:32 16/12/2005).


I just realised that I didn't re-flashed the MDSP etc with code from this release, so I was still using the MDSP binary on the ROD from the previous tag "lester-20051014a-for-TDAQ14_BRANCH-development" which are presumably NOT the binaries I should have been using. (The slave dsp code was however from 4_3_RC1 as that gets uploaded at run time. Formatter code etc is "as was" saved to ~sctrod/testing_4_3_RC1/RodDaq?/RodUtils?/TEST/*)

I will have to try the test again after a reflash. Still, at least we know that this release works ok with those older MDSP code!


Having now reflashed with the MDSP code from 4_3_RC1, I find that I can still do an RxThresh? scan, but an NMask halts on bin 10 of 128 for an eternity. So no good! This release candidate fails! The DSP code is bad or inconsistent or something.


After chatting to PP and Trevor it turns out that they forgot to put the MDSP and SDSP code into CVS. They've done this now, and it appears to work fine, so I will incorporate the correct code into SctRodDaqRelease4.3.RC2.

See also SctRodDaqRelease4.3 and TestingSctRodDaq 4 3 RC2.