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EndcapC Combined run


Please keep an eye on the module HVs, LVs and temperatures during the run. On SctGUI - select menu 'Display'->'DCS Conditions', then on the selection panel on the left of the display, select 'Sensor HV' or 'LV Status' or 'Hybrid T0(degC)'. Check approximately every 10 minutes.


If a module HV trips (ie not green on the display), switch it back on from the PVSS project, and write it into the bookkeeping log and paper logbook. It is not necessary to stop the run.

If a module LV trips (ie anything other than 'ON' or 'MAN' on the display), it means this module is not returning any useful data, but the run itself will continue without errors. Please note it in the online bookkeeper and paper logbook. Its your call whether to stop the run or not to recover the module. I would suggest if more than one module has tripped its LV, then stop the run and attempt to switch them back on, otherwise continue with the run.

Hover the mouse over the module in the Sct GUI display, and look in the blue bit at the top of the display. You will see something like:

20220390001074 (0,1,12,6,17 Endcap 2c Quad/Pos TL/O6): ON

The crate and channel number are the last 2 digits in the block of 5 numbers, ie in this case crate 6, channel 17.

On the PVSS HVLV window (Windows machine to left of DAQ console), enter the crate and channel number and hit <Enter>. In the panel at the bottom left, make sure the 'One Channel' tab is selected. Click on 'HV CH ON' then 'SEND HV', and the HV should start to ramp up.

On the PVSS HVLV window (Windows machine to left of DAQ console), enter the crate and channel number and hit <Enter>. In the panel at the bottom left, make sure the 'One Channel' tab is selected. Click on 'LV CH STBY then 'SEND LV', then 'LV CH ON' then 'SEND LV'

Yes! If in any doubt, don't guess. Call an expert for advice.

Go to the bookkeeper window, and right-mouse-click on the run that you want to edit.

How to start a new run

How to proceed after clicking on the 'Stop' button on IGUI.

Setting up the DAQ from scratch

How to swap SCT configurations for the TRT fast-OR trigger

Change: <obj class="Variable" id="SCTDAQ_ROD_CONFIGURATION_PATH"> <attr name="Name" type="string">"SCTDAQ_ROD_CONFIGURATION_PATH"</attr> <!--<attr name="Value" type="string">"/daqsoft/sct/configs/endcapC/CombinedTest?/LatestXml?/configuration_for_calibration.xml"</attr>--> <attr name="Value" type="string">"/daqsoft/sct/configs/endcapC/CombinedTest?/LatestXml?/config_for_cosmics_051206.xml"</attr> </obj>

to <obj class="Variable" id="SCTDAQ_ROD_CONFIGURATION_PATH"> <attr name="Name" type="string">"SCTDAQ_ROD_CONFIGURATION_PATH"</attr> <attr name="Value" type="string">"/daqsoft/sct/configs/endcapC/CombinedTest?/LatestXml?/configuration_for_calibration.xml"</attr> <!--<attr name="Value" type="string">"/daqsoft/sct/configs/endcapC/CombinedTest?/LatestXml?/config_for_cosmics_051206.xml"</attr>--> </obj>

Then, at the start of each run (AFTER starting the run), type: 'runjava sctutils/SetTimTriggerDelay? -d53'