
General reporting on ABCD wafer electrical parameters, including a caluclation of calibrate correction factors.
Eg to create a spreadsheet of ANY ABCD wafer test parameter, select the 'Wafers' tab, then click on any number of parameters that you wish to view. Also make sure you select which ABCD wafers tha you want to include in the spreadsheet, using the top part of the form. You can select any serial no or range of serial numbers, and the current location of the wafer. The example below shows the TOXP1N_PLUS parameter:

Calibrate Correction Factors

1. Select the 'Wafers' tab, and then the 'Calibrate Correction Factors' tab.
2. At the top of the form, select the range of serial numbers of the wafer(s), and optionally the current location of the wafer.
3. Click on the button, to view all the calibrate correction factors for the selected wafer(s).

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