Computational Physics, 1B, Term 2

Worked solution for WAVES example

| | is a worked solution for displaying superpositions of simple sinusoidal waves. You can change the line that says type = 3 to get different sorts of dispersion relation (1: non-dispersive 2: deep water 3: reasonably deep water). The program contains a variety of initial conditions to choose from.
Write code that implements the Leapfrog method. Get it going for one initial condition, such as x0 = (1.5,2), v0 = (0.4,0).

Example usage (MakeWaves writes to a file /tmp/y:
gnuplot -noraise
load 'gnu10'
The optional command-line arguments are
MakeWaves [N [K [T [dt]]]]
N - number of points for surface; K - number of basis functions to use; T - duration of simulation; dt - time-step.

gnu10 makes a movie by calling the recursive gnu11.

set yrange [-3.1:1.6]
set xrange [0:2300]
set nokey
load 'gnu11'

plot '/tmp/y' index 0 u 0:1 w l 1,\
 '/tmp/y' index ii u 0:1 w l 4 

ii = ii + 1
if(ii<1000) load 'gnu11'

This program uses some utility functions for creating vectors and matrices. These utilities are in the file

//  provides functions for 
//  integer and double vectors and matrices
//  memory allocation and clean-up
//  DJCM Thu 1/11/07
//  Free Software, released into the public domain

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "utils.h"

// allocates memory for an array of integers, say
//          b[low]..b[high]
// returns zero if failure
int *ivector ( int low, int high ) {
  int N = high-low+1 ;
  int *a ; 
  if ( N <= 0 ) {
    cout << "Illegal range in ivector: "
	 << low << ", " << high << endl ;
    return 0 ;
  a = new int[N] ; // allocates the memory for a[0]..a[N-1]
  if(!a) {
    cout << "Memory allocation failed\n" ;
    return 0 ; 
  return (a-low) ; // offset the pointer by low.
  //                  the user uses b[low]..b[high]

// allocates memory for a pointer to an array of pointers
// and calls ivector to allocate memory for a matrix
//          m[low1][low2] .. m[high1][high2].
// returns 0 if something goes wrong.
int **imatrix ( int low1, int high1, int low2, int high2 ) {
  int N1 = high1-low1+1 ;
  int **m ; 
  if ( N1 <= 0 ) {
    cout << "Illegal range in imatrix: "
	 << low1 << ", " << high1 << endl ;
    return 0 ;
  m = new int*[N1] ; // allocates the space for m[0]..m[N-1]
  // Note m is zero-offset here
  if(!m) {
    cout << "Memory allocation failed\n" ;
    return 0 ; 
  for ( int n=0 ; n < N1 ; n ++ ) {
    m[n] = ivector(low2,high2) ; // allocate the nth row of matrix
    if(!m[n]) return 0 ; 
  return (m-low1) ; // offset the pointer by low,
  //                   so that the user uses m[low][]..m[high][]

// allocates memory for an array of doubles, say
//          b[low]..b[high]
// returns zero if failure
double *dvector ( int low, int high ) {
  int N = high-low+1 ;
  double *a ; 
  if ( N <= 0 ) {
    cout << "Illegal range in dvector: "
	 << low << ", " << high << endl ;
    return 0 ;
  a = new double[N] ; // allocates the memory for a[0]..a[N-1]
  if(!a) {
    cout << "Memory allocation failed\n" ;
    return 0 ; 
  return (a-low) ; // offset the pointer by low.
  //                  the user uses b[low]..b[high]

// allocates memory for a pointer to an array of pointers
// and calls ivector to allocate memory for a matrix
//          m[low1][low2] .. m[high1][high2].
// returns 0 if something goes wrong.
double **dmatrix ( int low1, int high1, int low2, int high2 ) {
  int N1 = high1-low1+1 ;
  double **m ; 
  if ( N1 <= 0 ) {
    cout << "Illegal range in imatrix: "
	 << low1 << ", " << high1 << endl ;
    return 0 ;
  m = new double*[N1] ; // allocates the space for m[0]..m[N-1]
  // Note m is zero-offset here
  if(!m) {
    cout << "Memory allocation failed\n" ;
    return 0 ; 
  for ( int n=0 ; n < N1 ; n ++ ) {
    m[n] = dvector(low2,high2) ; // allocate the nth row of matrix
    if(!m[n]) return 0 ; 
  return (m-low1) ; // offset the pointer by low,
  //                   so that the user uses m[low][]..m[high][]

void freeivector ( int *a , int low ) {
  delete [] &(a[low]) ; // The '[]' indicate that what's
} //                       being freed is an array

int freeimatrix ( int **m ,
		  int low1, int high1, int low2, int high2 ) {
  int N1 = high1-low1+1 ;
  if ( N1 <= 0 ) {
    cout << "Illegal range in freeimatrix: "
	 << low1 << ", " << high1 << endl ;
    return 0 ;
  // Note m is offset by low1 here
  for ( int n=low1 ; n <= high1 ; n ++ ) {
    delete [] &(m[n][low2]) ; // free the nth row of the matrix
  delete [] &(m[low1]) ; 
  return 1 ; // 1 indicates success

void freedvector ( double *a , int low ) {
  delete [] &(a[low]) ; // The '[]' indicate that what's
} //                       being freed is an array

int freedmatrix ( double **m ,
		  int low1, int high1, int low2, int high2 ) {
  int N1 = high1-low1+1 ;
  if ( N1 <= 0 ) {
    cout << "Illegal range in freedmatrix: "
	 << low1 << ", " << high1 << endl ;
    return 0 ;
  // Note m is offset by low1 here
  for ( int n=low1 ; n <= high1 ; n ++ ) {
    delete [] &(m[n][low2]) ; // free the nth row of the matrix
  delete [] &(m[low1]) ; 
  return 1 ; // 1 indicates success

double innerProduct ( double *a , double *b , int low , int high ) {
  double  answer = 0.0;
  for ( int n = low ; n <= high ; n ++ ) {
    answer += a[n] * b[n] ; 
  return answer ;

// sets vector to constant
void   constantdvector( double *y , int lo, int hi, double c  ) {
  for ( int n = lo ; n <= hi ; n ++ ) {
    y[n] = c;

// a += epsilon * b
void incrementdvector ( double *a , double epsilon,
			double *b , int low , int high ) {
  for ( int n = low ; n <= high ; n ++ ) {
    a[n] += epsilon * b[n] ; 

void printMatrix( double **M ,
		  int low1, int high1, int low2, int high2 ) {
  for ( int m = low1 ; m <= high1 ; m ++ ) {
    for ( int n = low2 ; n <= high2 ; n ++ ) {
      cout << M[m][n]  ;
      if ( n == high2 ) cout << endl ;
      else cout << "\t" ; 
// print matrix transposed
void printMatrixT( double **M ,
		   int lo1, int hi1, int lo2, int hi2 ) {
  for ( int n = lo2 ; n <= hi2 ; n ++ ) {
    for ( int m = lo1 ; m <= hi1 ; m ++ ) {
      cout << M[m][n]  ;
      if ( m == hi1 ) cout << endl ;
      else cout << "\t" ; 

void printVector( double * b , int lo , int hi , int style ) {
  for ( int n = lo ; n <= hi ; n ++ ) {
    //    cout << "b[" << n << "] = " ;
    cout << b[n] ;
    if(style) {
      if ( n == hi ) 
	cout << endl;
	cout << "\t" ;
    } else {
      cout << endl;

void fprintVector( double * b , int lo , int hi ,
		   ostream &fout, int style  ) {
  for ( int n = lo ; n <= hi ; n ++ ) {
    //    cout << "b[" << n << "] = " ;
    fout << b[n] ;
    if(style) {
      if ( n == hi ) 
	fout << endl;
	fout << "\t" ;
    } else {
      fout << endl;
//   features:
//   * integer and double vectors and matrices

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>  
#include <cmath>   
using namespace std;
#include "utils.h"

#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

// functions defined in this file
void MakeSinusoids( double **M , int K , int N , double *k ) ;
void DispersionRelation( double*k , double *omega , int K , int type ) ;
void Superpose( double t , double *yt, double *vt, double **M ,
		double *omega ,
		int N, int K ,  double *yk, double *vk );

void Superpose( double t , double *yt, double *vt, double **M ,
		double *omega ,
		int N, int K ,  double *yk, double *vk ){
  // Explanation:
  // turn fourier state into state at time t by superposition
  // For a single fourier coefficient, 
  // yt    =  cos(omega*t)*A       + sin(omega*t)*B   implies
  // dy/dt = -sin(omega*t)*A*omega + cos(omega*t)*B*omega
  // at time t=0, 
  // yt    =  A        (defined to be yk)   and
  // dy/dt =  B*omega  (defined to be vk)
  // so rearranging, we obtain the future sinusoid from the state
  // at time zero thus:
  // yt    =  cos(omega*t)*yk[m]       + sin(omega*t)*vk[m]/omega  
  // dy/dt = -sin(omega*t)*yk[m]*omega + cos(omega*t)*vk[m] 

  constantdvector( yt , 1 , N , 0.0 ) ;
  constantdvector( vt , 1 , N , 0.0 ) ;
  for ( int m = 1 ; m <= K ; m ++ ) {
    incrementdvector( yt ,
      cos(omega[m]*t)*yk[m] + sin(omega[m]*t) * vk[m]/omega[m] ,
		      M[m] , 1 , N );
    incrementdvector( vt ,
      cos(omega[m]*t) * vk[m] - sin(omega[m]*t)*yk[m]*omega[m] ,
		      M[m] , 1 , N );

#define GRAVITY 10.0
// average depth of ocean in metres
#define DEPTH   3800.0
// density of water
#define RHO     1000.0
// surface tension of water 
#define SIGMA 0.075 
// 0.075 J per (m**2)
double dispersionRelation( double k , int type) {
  // returns the frequency omega associated with a wavenumber k
  return (type==1) ? k
    : (type==2) ? sqrt( k )
    : (type==3) ? sqrt( GRAVITY * k * tanh( k * DEPTH ) )
    :             sqrt( GRAVITY * k + SIGMA * k * k * k / RHO )
// some of these assume that
// k is in SI units, i.e. (1/m).

// The spacing of two points separated by "1" unit in the
// x-direction (n=1..N):
#define SPACING_IN_METRES 10.0
// note MakeDrop assumes a width of 5 units when the drop is made
void DispersionRelation( double*k , double *omega , int K , int type) {
  for ( int m = 1 ; m <= K ; m ++ ) {
    // omega = c k -- non-dispersive
    // omega**2 = g k   -- deep water
    // omega**2 = g k tanh(kd)   -- reasonably deep water
    // omega**2 = gk + sigma k**3/rho   -- deep water and ripples
    omega[m] = dispersionRelation( k[m] , type ) ;

double square(double x ) {
  return x*x;

// sets the velocity profile for a pair of bumps of equal and opposite
// momentum hitting the surface
void   MakeDropV( double *v , int N  ) {
  for ( int n = 1 ; n <= N ; n ++ ) {
    v[n] = ( n < N/2 - 50 || n > N/2+50 ) ? 0.0
      : -((double)(n)-(double)(N/2)) *
      exp(-square(((double)(n)-(double)(N/2)))/500.0) ;

// sets the surface and velocity profile for a wavepacket (or pair)
// sets the velocity only, so makes a pair of packets
void   MakePacketV( double *y , double *v , int N  ) {
  for ( int n = 1 ; n <= N ; n ++ ) {
    v[n] = ( n < N/2 - 250 || n > N/2+250 ) ? 0.0
      : cos( ((double)(n)-(double)(N/2)) *2*PI / 10.0 ) *
      exp(-square(((double)(n)-(double)(N/2)))/2500.0) ;
    y[n] = 0.0 ;

#define WAVELENGTH 20.0
// sets the surface and velocity profile for a wavepacket (or pair)
// sets the position only, so makes a pair of packets
void   MakePacketY( double *y , double *v , int N  ) {
  for ( int n = 1 ; n <= N ; n ++ ) {
    y[n] = ( n < N/4 - 250 || n > N/4+250 ) ? 0.0
      : cos( ((double)(n)-(double)(N/2)) *2*PI / WAVELENGTH ) *
      exp(-square(((double)(n)-(double)(N/4)))/2500.0) ;
    v[n] = 0.0 ;

// sets the surface and velocity profile for a wavepacket 
void   MakePacket( double *y , double *v , int N , int type ) {
  double A = dispersionRelation( WAVENUMBER, type ) ;
  // see  Explanation 
  for ( int n = 1 ; n <= N ; n ++ ) {
    y[n] = ( n < N/4 - 250 || n > N/4+250 ) ? 0.0
      : cos( ((double)(n)-(double)(N/2)) *WAVENUMBER ) *
      exp(-square(((double)(n)-(double)(N/4)))/2500.0) ;
    v[n] = ( n < N/4 - 250 || n > N/4+250 ) ? 0.0
      : A*sin( ((double)(n)-(double)(N/2)) *WAVENUMBER ) *
      exp(-square(((double)(n)-(double)(N/4)))/2500.0) ;

// sets the velocity profile for a rounded bump of momentum hitting
// the surface
void   MakeDrop( double *v , int N  ) {
  for ( int n = 1 ; n <= N ; n ++ ) {
    v[n] = ( n < N/2 - 50 || n > N/2+50 ) ? 0.0
      : -exp(-square(((double)(n)-(double)(N/2)))/50.0) ;

// sets the velocity profile for a sudden square bump
// of momentum hitting the surface
void   MakeDropS( double *v , int N  ) {
  for ( int n = 1 ; n <= N ; n ++ ) {
    v[n] = ( n < N/2 - 5 || n > N/2 ) ? 0.0 : -1.0 ;

void   MakeSinusoids( double **M , int K , int N , double *k ) {
  // Make the sinusoids' matrix
  double scale = sqrt( 2.0/(double)(N) ) ; 
  for ( int m = 1 ; m <= K ; m ++ ) {
    double (*f)(double x) ; 
    if ( m%2 ) {
      f = cos ; 
    } else {
      f = sin ; 
    int nperiods = ((m+1)/2) ;
    double thisk =  2.0 * PI * (double) nperiods / (double) N  ;
    for ( int n = 1 ; n <= N ; n ++ ) {
      M[m][n] = scale * f( thisk * (double) n )  ;
      // k * N = nperiods * 2pi
    } // if M = sin,   sum M**2 = N / 2.0 ; so scale**2 = 2.0/N
    // store the physical value of k, which is
    // 2 pi n / (N*SPACING_IN_METRES)
    k[m] = thisk / SPACING_IN_METRES ;

void   CheckSinusoids( double **M , int K , int N ) {
  cout << "assert the following K quantities are all 1\n" ; 
  for ( int m = 1 ; m <= K ; m ++ ) {
    cout << m<<" "<<innerProduct( M[m], M[m], 1, N ) << endl; 
  cout << "assert the following K-1 quantities are all 0\n" ; 
  for ( int m = 2 ; m <= K ; m ++ ) {
    cout << m<<" "<<innerProduct( M[1], M[m], 1, N ) << endl; 
  cout << "assert the following K-1 quantities are all 0\n" ; 
  for ( int m = 1 ; m <= K-1 ; m ++ ) {
    cout << m<<" "<<innerProduct( M[K], M[m], 1, N ) << endl; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // matrix dimensions N (length of ocean), K (number of stationary waves): 
  int N=4000, K=600  ;
  double t, T=3000, dt=60.0 ; // good time for tsunami: dt=60.0
  if(argc>1)   {
    sscanf( argv[1], "%d", &N ) ; // put the first command-line argument in N
  if(argc>2) {
    sscanf( argv[2], "%d", &K ) ; // put the 2nd argument in seed
  if(argc>3) {
    sscanf( argv[3], "%lf", &T ) ; // 
  if(argc>4) {
    sscanf( argv[4], "%lf", &dt ) ; //
  double *y , *yt, *yk ; 
  double *v , *vt, *vk ; 
  double *k , *omega ; 
  double **M ;
  int verbose = 0 ; 

  // memory allocation
  omega = dvector( 1 , K ) ; // frequencies
  k = dvector( 1 , K ) ; // wavevectors
  y = dvector( 1 , N ) ; // initial condition
  v = dvector( 1 , N ) ; 
  yt = dvector( 1 , N ) ; // state at some possibly later time 
  vt = dvector( 1 , N ) ; 
  vk = dvector( 1 , K ) ; // projection
  yk = dvector( 1 , K ) ; // projection

  M = dmatrix( 1, K, 1, N ) ; 

  MakeSinusoids( M , K , N , k ) ;
  int type = 3 ; // 1: non-dispersive   2: deep water   3: reasonably deep water
  DispersionRelation( k , omega , K , type ) ;
  //  printMatrix( M , 1,K , 1,N ) ;
  if( verbose ) printMatrixT( M , 1,K , 1,N ) ;
  if( verbose ) CheckSinusoids( M , K , N  ) ;

  int tsunami=1;
  if(tsunami) {
    // make initial conditions v,y 
    MakeDrop( v , N  ) ;
    constantdvector( y , 1 , N , 0.0 ) ;
  } else {
  // turn initial conditions v,y into initial conditions for the
  // fourier components
  for ( int m = 1 ; m <= K ; m ++ ) {
    yk[m] = innerProduct( y , M[m] , 1 , N );
    vk[m] = innerProduct( v , M[m] , 1 , N );

  // try to write output file
  char fileName[]="/tmp/y";
  ofstream fout1 ;;
    cerr << "can't write to file " << fileName << endl;

  for ( t = 0.0; t <= T ; t += dt ) {
    Superpose( t , yt , vt , M , omega , N , K , yk , vk );
    fout1 << endl;
    fout1 << endl;
    fprintVector( yt, 1, N , fout1, 0 ) ;

  // free the memory
  freedvector( omega , 1 ) ;
  freedvector( k , 1 ) ;
  freedvector( v , 1 ) ;
  freedvector( y , 1 ) ;
  freedvector( vt , 1 ) ;
  freedvector( yt , 1 ) ;
  freedvector( vk , 1 ) ;
  freedvector( yk , 1 ) ;
  freedmatrix( M , 1, K, 1, N ) ;

  return 0;

David MacKay
Last modified: Wed Nov 14 10:11:32 2007