I set myself the following additional goal (devised by me):


I'd never coded much before, and never in C++, so I thought this would be a good simple, fun and ultimately useful task:

I set myself the task of converting light years into the distance different fish-based species swim in one minute. This will help the public unders tand astronomical distances better than light years, because they know how fast fish swim but do not know how fast light travels in a vacuum.

I used seahorses, marlins, salmon and tuna as my reference fish. (A final decision on the best fish can be made later)

The program asks for a distance is light years. It then outputs the distances with respect to the various speeds of fish.

It then asks for a rating of the new units system from 1-10.

If 10 is entered, it thanks the user. If anything less that ten is entered it calls the user a fool.

My program is called Tunometer4

It helped my basic understanding of C++ and was good fun.

/* Program to convert light-years to Terafish-minutes */

using namespace std;

int main()
        int a, tuna, salmon, seahorse, marlin, b;
        cout << "Welcome! Please enter your distance in light years:" << endl;
        cin >> a;
        tuna = 35.30327777156281 * a;
        salmon = 117.6059627329193 * a;
        seahorse = 9.467290000000000 * a;
        marlin =  7100637.515938 * a;
        cout << "Your distance in TeraTunas is " << tuna << endl;
        cout << "Your distance in TeraSalmons is " << salmon << endl;
        cout << "Your distance in PetaSeahorses is " << seahorse << endl;
        cout << "Your distance in MegaMarlins is " << marlin << endl;
        cout << "On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like the new unit system?:" << endl;
        cin >> b;
        if (b == 10){cout << "correct, this new system is much better" << endl;}
        else {cout << "You fool! TeraTunas are much better than light years!" << endl;}

        return 0;
