I set myself the following additional goal (devised by me):

I set myself a simple challenge on c++ to create a calculator for the acceleration of a body given the force on it and its mass. Having never programmed before I chose a simple calculation (after realising every other project I wanted to do was far too advanced for me) in order to get comfortable using c++. I am happy with how my programme works and content that I now understand the basics of c++. I look forward to being able to do something more advanced.

//  Here begins file SESSION1.cc

using namespace std;

int main ()
    // declaring variables:
    int a, b, result;

    cout << "Enter the force (N) on an object followed by its mass (kg)";
    cin >> a >> b;

    // calculation
    result = a/b;

    // print out the result:
    cout << "The acceleration of the object is " << result << " ms^2 ";

    // terminate the program:
    return 0;