I set myself the following additional goal (devised by me):

Having never used C++, I wanted familiarize myself with the different operators and the system of files and directories. I thus devised a program that gives interesting facts about your armlength. being a rower, the armlength is really important since it allows you put reach further. knowing these facts about your armlength will greatly boost one's confidence as well as teach them some essential facts about themselves. The main fact being the time takes to cross that distance, how to reach to the moon, forming a black hole of that radius as well as playing the cello while unicycling at relativistic speeds. A useful multiplication table is also given at the end.

// Here begins file LengthInfo.cc
// Program which gives a list of facts concerning the length of your arm
// I searched this, so i could have other cool operations
using namespace std;

int main()
        float l, c, t, t2, D, v, M ;
        c = 300000000 ; // speed of light
        D = 384400000 ; // average distance between the earth and the moon
        cout << "Enter the length of your arm:" <> l ;
        t = l/c ;
        t2 = log2(D/l); // time for doubling l to be D
        v = 100*sqrt(1-pow(l/1.21,2)); // speed of a full cello conracted to the length of your arm
    M = l*pow(c,2)/(2*6.67*pow(10,-11)*1.898*pow(10,27)); // Mass of the black hole in jupiter masses

        if( l==0) {
                cout << "Wrong, try again" << endl ;
        } if( l>=1) {
                cout << "Either you have very long arms, or you don't know S.I units" << endl ;
        } else{
                if( l>=0.75) {
                        cout << " Your arm is longer than mine is" <