Warning -- this README file is perpetually out of date, because the important docuentation is maintained on the web here: http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/~lester/mt2 Page down if you want to see some information that is partly useful. ---------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING/INSTALLING THE LIBRARY ---------------------------------------------------------- The "INSTALL" file contains step-by-step instructions on how to build and install this library. ---------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLES OF USE ---------------------------------------------------------- There are a number of simple example programs in the "examples" directory which illustrate how to calculate variables like mT2 in stand-along C++ programs. These should be built automatically during the build (i.e. when you typed "make"). The compiled programs should go into the directory from which you typed "make). E.g., after building the library, you should be able to do We recommend that all users of the library look first at the simple example program: examples/helloWorld_Mt2_Example.cpp and then adapt it to their use. It should have been compiled automatically when you built the library, and so you should be able to run it like this: ./example_helloWorld_Mt2_Example See more information on this example (including how to compile it simply without using a makefile) at: http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/~lester/mt2/index.html#hello More experienced users or users who need the very fastest MT2 implementation might like to consider reviewing a different example: examples/ChengHanBisect_Mt2_332_Calculator_Example.cpp which is run with: ./example_ChengHanBisect_Mt2_332_Calculator_Example ---------------------------------------------------------- USING SEMI-INTERACTIVELY WITH ROOT ---------------------------------------------------------- After you have built and installed the library, you may be interested to read the insructions at the top of the file examples/demo_1_for_ROOT_usage.C which give an example of how you could use the library from within ROOT. ---------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT ---------------------------------------------------------- The oxbridgekinematics library allows you to calculate mT2 and other related kinamatic variables. For assistance, contact: Alan Barr Christopher Lester ######################################################################## # # MT2 (Stransverse Mass) Library # # See full documentation at # # http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/~lester/mt2/index.html # ######################################################################## (0) Consider reading http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/~lester/mt2/index.html https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/StransverseMassLibrary (1) Developers (not normal users) might like to run the test programs in the HistoricalCodebase/bin directory ####################################### Maintainers: svn ls svn://pcfs.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/TRUNK/ConfigureBuildExamples/mt2ExampleWithOptionalRoot (previous version is in TRUNK/NonAthenaVersion/mT2) Note the ATLAS external package lives in /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/mT2 ########################## Version: 0.5 27th June 2012 - first public version of OxbridgeKinetics (replacing Oxbridge Stranverse Mass Library) 0.6 16th Decemver 2013 - not sure what prompted this release 0.7 13th September 2014 - at requiest of Mark Levy included some interface methods in Basic_Mt2_332_Calculator that expose the splitting at the MT2 minimum (used by MAOS methods and some top-quark mass reconstruction methods) 0.8 2nd March 2015 - At request of TJ Khoo, made able to compile against both ROOT5 and ROOT6.