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The ATLAS experiment's SCT, along with all other sub detectors, is to be represented in the Atlas Generic Detector Description (AGDD) database.

A first stage is the replication of the detector as described by Fawzi Fares and Jo Pater in AGE for Geant3 (June 1997).  Their original AGE files for barrel and forward are here.

It was decided to write a program to generate the SCT's AGDD files from a core set of fundamental parameters.  This program is loosely called "preXml" and its function can be summarised by the following diagram:


The main idea is that there is a core set of "preXml / agdd tools" which do not change and just make life easier.  The description of the geometry of the SCT (or any other detector!) lies only in two files: There is plenty of scope for arguing about the level of sophistication appropriate for the tools.  Our tools are fairly complicated, allowing the preXml file and Geometry code to remain independent of particular AGDD versions and possibly even output formats.  The tools allow the Geometry code to build the geometry in an "internal" representation, which is finally formatted for XML by the tools in a transparent way.  The downside is that a large set of tools is harder to maintain.

The main motivation for this whole two stage process was to eliminate some of the duplications/inter-dependancies found in early attempts to write detailed XML files by hand.

Particular examples for the SCT Barrel and Forward

preXml file
Geometry code
AGDD file

If you don't like reading XML directly, I recommend using something like XEENA.

Historical link:

Historians may wish to look here to find information about very early versions.

Code notes and the obliatory unintelligible inheritance diagram

Recent changes amount to standardising the separation between the utilities and the user's geometry. The current plan is that the user must implement one member function : agdd::UserGeometry::defineUserGeometry() (see agddUserGeometry.hh). The method requires that the user returns a structure, which contains all the necessary information for the agdd xml generator to proceed. An example of such an implementation is

Here is an inheritance diagram of the classes which the user interfaces with.  The user only creates the most derived classes , although these will depend on all their base classes.


I would welcome comments in the following kinds of areas. Christopher Lester