

This is our view of how our part of the software should work:


Here is the calibration data chain:

Overview of components:

The whole chain has the potential of being parallellized


A program called sct_api_server provides an interface similar to the one we expect SCTAPI to provide.  On request, it puts SCTDAQ data from module testing into IS in the data format expected (i.e. a RawRODData object).  A RawRODData object contains information about the scan, the module configuration, the histogram of triggers and the data histogram.

Fitting Service:

The Fitting Service (executable: FittingService) takes the RawRODData and then fits a functional form (e.g. an S-curve (erfc) for a threshold scan) appropriate to the type of scan.  It then puts the fit back into IS.


The analysis takes groups of scans and analyses them appropriately.  For instance, there are 10 threshold scans in a response curve.  Currently supported tests are: 3-pt gain, response curve, strobe delay and noise occupancy.

Java UI:

The current Java UI (testgui) is a test UI.  It shows the contents of the SCT IS servers and allows them to be deleted (press the <DELETE> key).  It also communicates with sct_api_server to initiate data production.  Using external tools it can display most of the data produced.  It also has experimental scripting facilities.


This component will save all the data stored in IS in a suitable form.  It is being written by Alessandro Tricolli at Oxford.  Raw data can be saved by changing to this directory: archiving/ArchivingServiceRaw and typing make.  Then run: ArchivingService.  This will save all the raw data.  There is a program "Replay" that can put that data back into IS.  It takes a run number, scan number, module name, and an integer expressing the scan type (1 for threshold scan).


Each IS box corresponds to a different IS server.  This is for technical and data throughput reasons.  The IS servers are currently called "EventData", "FittedData", "TestData" and "ControlData".

Last modified 07 May 2003 .  Maintained by Matthew Palmer