------------------------------- How to build SctRodDaq software ------------------------------- Please be aware that building from source is considerably more difficult than using the binary release. This is principally due to the external software and configuration needed. ------------------ Quick Instructions ------------------ a. Install all external software b. Setup external software and set environment variables c. Build our software -------------------- a. External Software -------------------- Key external requirements: 1. Online Software 00-19-01 2. Dataflow 00-05-00 3. Root 3.05 4. Boost 1.30.2 5. JUnit 3.8.1 Optional: 1. NagC v6 Jar Files: There are a number of Jar files required. They are available at http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/~atlasdaq/Download/Files/jars.zip The actual versions are enumerated here for completeness. 1. Apache Bean Scripting Framework v2.3.0 2. Mozilla Rhino Javascript 1.5R4.1 3. Beanshell v2.0 beta 1 4. Jython v2.1 5. JAIDA 3.2.0 6. IMSL classes -------------------------- b. Setup External Software -------------------------- Please look at the file exampleSetup.[c]sh for the variables that need setting. --------------------- c. Build the software --------------------- 1. Source setup.[c]sh 2. Type make 3. Cross fingers (and realise you should have done this first!)