How to build SctRodDaq software

Please be aware that building from source is considerably more difficult than using the binary release. This is principally due to the external software and configuration needed.

Quick Instructions

  1. Install all external software
  2. Setup external software and set environment variables
  3. Build our software

External Software

Key external requirements:

  1. Online Software 00-19-01
  2. Dataflow 00-05-00
  3. ROOT 3.05
  4. Boost 1.30.2
    Building requires bjam which is downloaded from the same place Add the lines
    #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
    #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
    to the file boost/config/user.hpp
  5. 3.8.1
    (this must be in the CLASSPATH for building)


  1. NagC v6
    (NAGDIR should not be defined if NAG is not present)

Jar Files:
There are a number of Jar files required.

  1. Apache Bean Scripting Framework v2.3.0
  2. Beanshell v2.0 beta 1
  3. Jython v2.1
  4. JAIDA 3.2.0
  5. IMSL classes

Setup External Software

Please look at the file exampleSetup.[c]sh for the variables that need setting.

Build the software

  1. Source setup.[c]sh
  2. Type
  3. Cross fingers (and realise you should have done this first!)