RELEASE INFO: This release info describes version 2.0 of the DCS project SCT_MoPS for the SCT power-supply readout. Please read this note carefully to know the details of this release. Quite a few new features have been made available. Some items are still only partially working, mostly due to hardware problems. For this reason we are very interested in any reports users make on any strange behavior of the system, which will give us higher statistics to work with. INSTALLATION: The following external software is required to run SCT_MoPS.pnl project. These can be accessed from the ATLAS DCS web-pages: PVSS 2.12.1 - With patches. Make sure that the configuration file is corrected accordingly. OPCserver2.0+da - Download the OPC server configuration file from the SCT DCS release web-pages. To install the project download it from the DCS release web-pages: Create a directory: D:/SCT_DCS/MoPS_0402/PVSS/ and unpack the project in this directory. Create the following directories: D:/SCT_DCS_DATA D:/SCT_DCS_DATA/IVcurve D:/SCT_DCS_DATA/LTT Open PVSS. In PVSS console/Copy choose the right directory and copy the project. Now you can start it from the console/Start-Terminate window. From the Native GUI window, click on the yellow star and choose one of the following projects: _SCT_Diagn_MoPS,pnl - This starts the diagnostic panel for expert users _SCT_MoPS.pnl - This starts the main panel for all users Make sure that the OPC server item in the PVSS console is running. UPDATE INFORMATION ABOUT CHANGES FROM 1.0 (short user manual): * ACTIONS ACCESSED FROM THE DIAGNOSTIC PANEL: _SCT_Diagn_MoPS.pnl CHANGE RUN STATE TRANSITIONS - STtest This operation changes the states from OFF to ON through STANDBY. On the way to the ON state the detector will in reality need to go through two steps STANDBY1 (LV in standby and HV in standby) and STANBY2 (LV on and HV standby) but this will be hidden for the DCS user, only DAQ programmers will need pay attention to this information. On the way to OFF state the detector will only pass by the STANDBY2 state. The commands in DDC and in the DCS GUI is of the following format: Crate | channel | State | Timeout Crate | all | State | Timeout State = 0, 1, 2, 4 (off/on/off->standby/on->standby), 128, 129, 130 (off /on/standby - alarm actions). Response to DDC added. There is only response from PVSS that the PVSS routine has ended. No information from ELMB is yet available. LOAD DATABASE IN THE ELMB - LoadDB This operation loads the database into the ELMB from the configuration database file. The different parts of the DB can be loaded separately or together using the "all" option. This means two commands has to be sent for each run state transitions. Values can be loaded both from database and from hardcoded values in script. It is recommended to use the hardcoded values until further notice. The commands in DDC and in the DCS GUI is of the following format: Crate | State | Timeout State = all (states are loaded one after the other), 0,1,2, (off/on/standby), 128, 129, 130 (off /on/standby - alarm actions). DDC response is set to 0 when PVSS routine starts and to 0 when both ELMB routines and PVSS routines have ended successfully. RUN IV CURVE - IVtest IV curves can be initiated by using the runIVcurve command. This command can initiate an IV curve scan for one channel. In the future this would also be for all channels of one crate and for one group of channels. The commands in DDC and in the DCS GUI is of the following format: Crate | channel | start | stop | step | end | current warning | current max | time wait There is a DDC response when the IV curve has finished. HARD RESET - HRtest A routine for doing Hard Reset of the module has been made and tested for one channel. Hard reset for all channels of one crate or for a certain group will be added in the future. DDC response is set to 0 when PVSS routines have ended successfully. The commands in DDC and in the DCS GUI is of the following format: Crate | channel |Timeout LONG TERM TESTING - Tests The new release has also the possibility for making long term testing. This is accessed only from the DCS GUI in the panel called test. There is four choices: ON/OFF - toggles all channels of one crate to the states on or off until a certain number has been made or a certain time has passed. ON/OFF/SAVE - does the same thing only stores the values to 48 files, one for each channel. The errors of each channels are stored in a separate file. HIGH/LOW - toggles all channels between certain low values given by the operator and certain high level values. HIGH/LOW/SAVE - does the same as previous but saves the values to files. The errors of each channels are stored in a separate file. OTHER FEATURES: - Archiving - An error is shown now when someone tries to mask of a channel when the HV is on. BUGFIXES: Several smaller bug fixes have been made.