RCC Essential Model

RCC Essential Model

Draft 0.2

16 July 1999

John Hill (hill@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk)

This is a preliminary attempt to describe the essential model of the ROD Crate Controller. While it is certainly not complete, I hope the information in this document is correct. Comments/corrections/omissions will be gratefully received.


A ROD Crate Controller (RCC) is a processor which is housed in the ROD crate. There will be one processor per ROD crate. Its basic task is to control the RODs in the crate, but it will also interact with the Back of Crate cards (BOC) (indirectly via the RODs), TTC Interface Module (TIM) and also the global Trigger/DAQ. The details of the implementation are not well defined, but the choice will be influenced by the recommendations of the Trigger/DAQ group.


See the diagram at http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/atlas/hill/rcc_essential.ps or .gif - this shows the context in which the RCC works. In particular:


This file is http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/atlas/hill/rcc_essential.html